Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Watson’s go to Birmingham blog 3

Mom and Dad find themselves in a predicament Byron has become unmanageable. Mom and Dad decide to send Byron to stay for the summer with Grandma Sands in Birmingham. Byron is not too happy about this. I can relate to this because I would never want to have to spend the whole summer away from my friends. The Watson’s arrive at Grandmas and they have asked to explore the town. Grandma Sands warns Byron, Kenny, and Joey to stay clear of the whirlpool. The whirlpool has been known to swoop up little children and never return.  Kenny insists on finding the whirlpool and so does Joey. Can you believe Byron is following the rules?  He is the one that causes them to have to go in the first place. Joey goes to church and church is bombed. Everyone rushes to find Joey. I relate to this because if I had someone to be involved in a horrible tragedy as that I would rush to them as well.  Well Joey is not found and Kenny runs off to find her and she is found at home. Joey thought she had seen Kenny and went to find him and she was worried that the whirlpool had sucked him in. Kenny thinks it is his fought to cause her so much pain and begins to hide. Byron is the only one that can get Kenny to come out of hiding. I related to Kenny because I would not want to be around anyone either. You see Brotherly love is a strong bond. I see how Byron changed and grew up throughout the book. I guess I leave you with these questions—Who is your go to person? Do you have the tight knit family as The Watson’s?  Would you search everywhere to find someone missing?

Sources cited:
The Watson’s Go to Birmingham 1963

The Watson's Go to Birmingham Part 2

Tuesday October 3, 2017

Hello fellow readers.  What are the Watson's up to now. Byron did get off of the frozen mirror.  I have quickly realized that Byron is a bully and I thought to myself you know I thought I was going to be more like Byron.  I have since realized,  I am not.  Maybe I more relate to Kenny.  You see Kenny is being taught by Byron how to bully.  Kenny lacks in self confidence.  Hence so do I.    We find out that Kenny is a good reader.  Kenny was proud of his ability and his talents, but wanted to hide it from the other kids, and did not want anyone to find out.  He is the brother to the King of Clark Elementary after all. How can you be smart and be the brother of the King of Clark who teases people for that very reason.  It seems to me as I am reading the book that Kenny lives a life in Byron's shadow.  I think that Kenny is afraid of being his true self.    Have you ever been afraid to show your true talent?  I have many times.  As teens we just want to fit in.  We do not want anyone to make fun of us, and we hide our true selves sometimes. Kenny is teased because of his lazy eye.  It's easy to find something different or wrong with other people. I fight that everyday with controlling my nerves and my tics.  I hide it so well that others would never know I had these issues.  I have quickly realized that it is Kenny who is the character I relate to.  It seems as though we are quick to judge others for their differences, rather than accept their uniqueness.  Kenny feels relief when a new family moves in.  Yes! Finally someone for everyone to pick on.  This is where Rufus comes in.  Rufus is from Arkansas, and has a southern accent.  He is dirty and he is poor.  As much as Kenny would love for Rufus to take his place for being bullied,  he quickly realizes that friendship with Rufus is a better answer.  I think this is a great call on Kenny's part.  It is a lot easier to make a friend and keep a friend than it is to bully and be constantly unhappy.  Who wants to live like that? My questions to you are-- Do you hide your true self?  Have you ever been bullied?  How did you cope with these situations?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Watson's Go to Birmingham

The Watson's Go to Birmingham- 1963 is a booked written by Christopher Paul Cortis.  I hope you find humor, and entertainment in my blog about The Watson's Go to Birmingham. Come along with me through this incredible book about Momma, Dad, Byron, Joey and Kenny Watson or the "Weird Watson's." they are called.  The book starts out in Flint, MI.  It is winter and the weather is brutal outside and inside the Watson home, it is so cold that the Watson's are in the living room wrapped in blankets and huddled together to try to stay warm.  My first thought goes to me and my family as I am reading this.  I imagine us sitting around the TV watching UT Football games.  I had to laugh a little inside with Byron and his personality the author has for him. My idea is that we seem to be much alike.  The author says that Byron is sitting alongside of Dad.  He has his part of the blanket tucked in the couch cushions as to where no one could touch him.  Yeah, this is me.  I can not stand to be touched.  Not going to do it or like it.  The family decides to call the Aunt to see if they can go to her house to stay warm, oh boy does the story start to take off.  Byron and Kenny go outside to scrape the Brown Bomber (the Watson's car) when Byron can not resist looking at his good looks in the mirror and gets his lips stuck on the mirror, remember it is Flint, MI in winter! What is he thinking?  Stay tuned to find out more of what The Watson's are up to.